I try to ACK payload mode by nRF24L01+,but not work well. show me a typical config register setting. My target is transmit 10bytes and ACK payload 5bytes, as soon as possible. current configuration reg. settig is as followed. PTX:data pipe5: DPL_P0, EN_ACK_PAY, EN_DPL, EN_AA_P0, are ON. PRX:data pipe0: DPL_P5, EN_ACK_PAY, EN_DPL, EN_AA_P5, are ON. sequece step:
- PTX: payload(10bytes) TX
- PRX: payload(10bytes) RX(STATUS=0x4A), and clear IRQ.
- PTX: ACK payload(5bytes) RX(STATUS=0x60), but W_ACK_PL_WID is 0x60(not 0x05).
- PRX: waiting until IRQ active(figure21 on Product specification v1.0), but inactive(high level) for ever. please help me by easy english. thank you.