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NRF51 Dongle hangs at sd_rpc_open for both c & python code

Hi, Recently, I am playing around with the NRF51 dongle and trying to make it work as a BLE master.

However, when I run the sample code(e.g. advertising, multi-link .etc) from Nordic, the program hangs. And, this situation happens for both C Code and Python Code.

I used the "Python -m trace --trace" to trace the error, and the result is attached below.

Thank you in advance. Jiadong. image description

  • Hi jiadong,

    I contacted the moderator of that github repo. This is his reply

    "There is one known issue with the driver, and that is that you have to press reset before open, because of a communication protocol issue between connectivity firmware and driver. The firmware and PC side get out of sync (there are sequence numbers that must match). "

    Also you seem to be using Adafruit Bluefruit LE.. Sometimes the Segger chip also needs a power-cycle to work.

  • Hi jiadong,

    I contacted the moderator of that github repo. This is his reply

    "There is one known issue with the driver, and that is that you have to press reset before open, because of a communication protocol issue between connectivity firmware and driver. The firmware and PC side get out of sync (there are sequence numbers that must match). "

    Also you seem to be using Adafruit Bluefruit LE.. Sometimes the Segger chip also needs a power-cycle to work.
