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Is any delay needed between two successive ble_nus_string_send()

Hi All, Am using NRF52 ,S132 soft device , I am trying to send two packet of twenty byte every 5s . in a timer interrupt handler I call ble_nus_string_send twice continuosly , but in the master control panel APP I could see only the second packet being received ? Am I missing anything?

Thanks in Advance

  • I believe what you are seeing is the first notification being quickly overwritten by the second notification.

    To better check, I think you could try nRF UART mobile app, like the Android version found here It will post all the notification it receives so you will know for sure if you are only receiving the second notification or if you actually got both.

    Edit*: Actually, I think you should see the events being logged in Master Control Panel as well. Could you check that log? (I don't have access to hardware necessary to check that right now)

  • Thanks Vo .. You are exactly right .. I could see the packets in Debug logs of Master Control Panel APP
