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How to program custom PCB uisng SWCLK AND SWDIO TEST PINS

Hello Everyone,

I have deveoped my custom Board using(NRF51) which has four test pins VCC GND SWCLK,SWDIO. I would like to program the custom board. So could anyone tell me some safe methods to load the software on the PCB? Previously i have used NRF51DK and USB cable JLINK to flash the software on the development board, but i reckon to use only SWCLK AND SWDIO pins to flash the custom PCB. What are the methods I should follow to flash the softdevice110 and the .hex file? Please suggest me some possible methods to flash the custom PCB. It would be really helpful for me. Do I need to connect like in this picture? Please correct me if i am wrong.

image description

Thank you

  • Almost - right connections but not the best connector. P20 is debug out but it's the one for a connected shield. What you really want to connect to is P19, which is the real debug out. I suppose, if the pins on P20 are easier to connect to than the P19 .5" pitch debug out connector you can use them, but it's probably better to use P19 if you can. I use a breakout adaptor which makes patching that connector to just about anything fairly easy.

  • Doesn't have to be P08-P11 on your custom board, it can be any GPIOs you like, as long as you change the UART mapping to use them. But yes if you connect those pins to P.08-P11 on the DK and this is important make sure the DK itself is running something which DOES NOT USE THEM, ie a null piece of software which does nothing, then you should be able to use the USB-UART bridge on the DK with data from your custom board.

    If you use SEGGER RTT however, you don't have to do any of this stuff and can just use the SWDIO and SWDCLK you already have connected.

  • Doesn't have to be P08-P11 on your custom board, it can be any GPIOs you like, as long as you change the UART mapping to use them. But yes if you connect those pins to P.08-P11 on the DK and this is important make sure the DK itself is running something which DOES NOT USE THEM, ie a null piece of software which does nothing, then you should be able to use the USB-UART bridge on the DK with data from your custom board.

    If you use SEGGER RTT however, you don't have to do any of this stuff and can just use the SWDIO and SWDCLK you already have connected.

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