I'm trying to use the ble_app_hrs_s132_with_dfu_pca10040 example project with my PCA10040 nRF52 DK.
Using Keil uVision 5, I'm able to compile the project and flash to the board. Interrogating using LightBlue, I can see the peripheral appear as Nordic_HRM, and the DFU service appears:
Using my iPhone 6 running the latest version of nRF Toolbox (3.0), I enter DFU mode, select the .hex file (I used examples/dfu/ble_dfu_send_hex/test_images_update_nrf52/dfu_test_app_hrm_s132.hex), check "Application", select the Nordic_HRM device, and press "Upload". I then get the error message "DFU Service not found"
What's going wrong? Why might the nRF Toolbox app be saying that the DFU service isn't found, when I can see the service UUID and characteristic UUIDs?