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MultiActivity Example with nRF52

I want to use the MultiActivity Example with the nRF52 with GCC and Eclipse.

In the documentation I ve read that S130 and S132 are supported, but in the directory of the SDK I ve only found a makefile for nRF51.

I want to create a makefile for the nRF52.

Is there anything I ve to take care, when I try to modify an existing nRF52 makefile for the MultiAcitvity Example?

  • Hi,

    The MultiActivity example was removed for nRF52 between nRF52 SDK 0.9 and nRF5 SDK 10. I am not quite sure what was the exact reason, but I guess there might have been some hurdles to porting it from the pca10036 to the pca10040. Anyway, the plan is to reintroduce it for nRF52 at a later release.

    To run the example on nRF52 you may need to do some other changes as well as making a Makefile. For both Makefile and code I would suggest having a look at the latest nRF52 version of the example (from nRF52 SDK v0.9.2) for reference. A comparison between the nRF52 SDK v0.9 and nRF51 SDK v9 versions could give some clues. But as I do not know what prevented the example from being included in the SDK I do not know what work is needed to make the example work on the pca10040.

    Regards, Terje
