I used the example of the ble_central\ble_app_uart_c and ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart. It seems no problem for operation when I check only this example. But I modified this example for using "BONDING ENABLE" and then I checked this routine, it has any problem.
In on_ble_evt function, if "is_uuid_present" is true, the routine will process sd_ble_gap_connect() and then it will be connected. But the "is_uuid_present" function is always false.
I checked the value, please refer to below log. extracted_uuid.uuid(0x08)p_target_uuid->uuid(0x1) err_code(5) extracted_uuid.type(0x01)p_target_uuid->type(0x2) The extracted uuid and type is diffirent from p_target_uuid.
Even though I checked the original ble_central\ble_app_uart_c and ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart. This also is everytime false like blow log. extracted_uuid.uuid(0xffff)p_target_uuid->uuid(0x1) err_code(37429) extracted_uuid.type(0xff)p_target_uuid->type(0x2) But actually this example doesn't cafe of the result, it can be get the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED signal.
Could you check this problem? and could let me know how I can solve this problem?