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nrf52-ble-app-lbs compilation error "core_cm4.h" not found

Hi, i;m trying to build the "nrf52-ble-app-lbs" example which i downloaded from git hub

I followed the instructions in the README file.I'm not using any IDE. I invoked make in armgcc folder.

But i'm getting following error.

../../../../../../components/device/nrf52.h:137:130: fatal error: core_cm4.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [_build/app_button.o] Error 1

Parents Reply
  • The structure of the SDK has changed since this example was made. The error you saw occurred because there is an #include "core_cm4.h" in nrf52.h and this was not found because the path to core_cm4.h wasn't in the INC_PATHS.

    Since the CMSIS files were moved to the folder you included above it works now. It used to be the case these files were in the toolchain/gcc/ directory (an SDK or two revision ago..)

    Feel free to make a pull request on GitHub if you'd like adding your fix!

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