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No rule to make target `flash'

Hi all,

I have a makefile which runs perfectly from the command line on Windows under GCC, but in Eclipse it fails with this message in the Console:

make flash make: *** No rule to make target `flash'. Stop.

On the command line it works perfectly.

Any ideas please?

    • Is Eclipse set up to use the same Makefile?
    • What parameters are you using when running make from the console, make flash, only make or something else?
    • Does the Makefile have a rule for the target "flash"? If there is no "flash" target in the Makefile but Eclipse is set up to build that target it will fail. To see if the Makefile has a rule for a "flash" target, look for a line starting with flash: in the Makefile.

    Have you seen the Development with GCC and Eclipse tutorial?

    • Is Eclipse set up to use the same Makefile?
    • What parameters are you using when running make from the console, make flash, only make or something else?
    • Does the Makefile have a rule for the target "flash"? If there is no "flash" target in the Makefile but Eclipse is set up to build that target it will fail. To see if the Makefile has a rule for a "flash" target, look for a line starting with flash: in the Makefile.

    Have you seen the Development with GCC and Eclipse tutorial?

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