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How to use nrf52 on MAC ? ?

Hi everybody !

I try to use nrf52 DK with OSX I follow this link and I have a problem with this step : download

this my debug message when I try to install GNU toolchain for ARM Cortex-M : tar xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_3-2016q1-20160330-src.tar.bz2 tar: Error opening archive: Failed to open 'gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_3-2016q1-20160330-src.tar.bz2'

Do you have one idea for me ?

Maybe their is a better way to use rnf52 with OSX?

  • This question is a couple of months old, but having run the gauntlet of trying to setup a development environment on my Mac I decided to write a tutorial on it: I don't have instructions for an IDE, because I haven't found a suitable FOSS IDE that will do the job well - so I stick with command line tools for the time being - and Atom/Sublime Text.

    Here's my Tutorial

  • This question is a couple of months old, but having run the gauntlet of trying to setup a development environment on my Mac I decided to write a tutorial on it: I don't have instructions for an IDE, because I haven't found a suitable FOSS IDE that will do the job well - so I stick with command line tools for the time being - and Atom/Sublime Text.

    Here's my Tutorial

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