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nRF52 DK and UART Example on PC

I opened, compiled, and uploaded the UART example on my nRF52-DK board using KEIL IDE. I use either CoolTerm or RealTerm on my PC. When I open the Terminal program I can see COM port 8 connected to my nRF52-DK. I followed this setup and got connected:

Baud rate: 115.200

8 data bits

1 stop bit

No parity

HW flow control: RTS/CTS

However I don't see "Start:" nor 'Exit!' when I enter q/Q.

Aren't I supposed to connect to the Terminal program through the same USB port as for programming nRF52-DK board? Or am I supposed to use another port with an external device to get connected to Terminal program?

Thanks in advance

  • After a lot of searching and trying different methods and debugging, I finally figured out the problem. All I had to do was to download the latest J-Link software and install it replacing the older version.

    I originally had V5.10d, and once updated to V5.12d it fixed the problem!

    I can use printf() without any problem anymore.

  • I'm using SDK 11, so the baudrate is 115200 as Ole pointed out. For some reason Putty can't even open a COM port on my PC regardless of nRF52-DK or any other device. I'm using Termite now with baudrate set to 115200, and tried both Hardware Flow Control as RTS/CTS and none. None of them worked! when I enter characters in Termite terminal program, the nRF52-DK can detect it, but can't print out strings! printf() function is compiled without any errors or warning, but doesn't do anything in a terminal application. The same applies to the following function as well: app_uart_put(cr). app_uart_put() compiles without any problem but doesn't work neither. I tried to find the definition of printf() function, but I get an error message: "Source Browser: 'printf' - undefined Definition/Reference!"

    J-Link RTT Viewer works completely fine, whether I enter characters or printing strings.

  • I'm using SDK 11, so the baudrate is 115200 as Ole pointed out. For some reason Putty can't even open a COM port on my PC regardless of nRF52-DK or any other device. I'm using Termite now with baudrate set to 115200, and tried both Hardware Flow Control as RTS/CTS and none. None of them worked! when I enter characters in Termite terminal program, the nRF52-DK can detect it, but can't print out strings! printf() function is compiled without any errors or warning, but doesn't do anything in a terminal application. The same applies to the following function as well: app_uart_put(cr). app_uart_put() compiles without any problem but doesn't work neither. I tried to find the definition of printf() function, but I get an error message: "Source Browser: 'printf' - undefined Definition/Reference!"

    J-Link RTT Viewer works completely fine, whether I enter characters or printing strings.

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