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NRF51822 and CSR4.0 dongle is not connection.

I use NRF51822 Bluetooth 4.0 e-val kit. souce code is peripheral example. so, android smart phone and NRF51822 is connection. result, Pairing success. occur On_ble_evt fuction callback in source code.

but, NRF51822 and CSR4.0 dongle(bluetooth 4.0) is not connection. No occur On_ble_evt_function callback in source code. Do you know what is the problem?

  • I Used source code as below. nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_ancs_c Add to printf(On_ble_evt) in static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt) function because call back on_ble_evt function when pairing connecting.

    1. smart phone(android)
    1. bluetooth on by smart phone
    2. find device discoveray
    3. NRF51822 module device connecting
    4. when pairing, Occur on_ble_evt function
    5. send connected message from NRF51822 in serial program.
    1. CSR4.0 dongle
    1. connection USB in PC
    2. find device discovery
    3. NRF51822 module device connecting
    4. when pairing, no occur on_ble_evt function
    5. fail this not connection.
  • I Used source code as below. nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_ancs_c Add to printf(On_ble_evt) in static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt) function because call back on_ble_evt function when pairing connecting.

    1. smart phone(android)
    1. bluetooth on by smart phone
    2. find device discoveray
    3. NRF51822 module device connecting
    4. when pairing, Occur on_ble_evt function
    5. send connected message from NRF51822 in serial program.
    1. CSR4.0 dongle
    1. connection USB in PC
    2. find device discovery
    3. NRF51822 module device connecting
    4. when pairing, no occur on_ble_evt function
    5. fail this not connection.
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