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Gazell Device/Host - Pipe

My application had a ID to separate difference device & host for the communication in the same area. When the Host power up, it need to search any existing same ID Host nearby. Can we use the difference pipe to separate difference ID of Host/Device in communication? I found that in difference pipe number of the Host, the device also return the "tx_success = true", is ti correct?

  • In Gazell there is no way for a host to know if there exists other host with the same pipe addresses. You might try to setup the host in device mode and send a dummy packet with the same addresses, to see if there is any other host that can receive it.

    All pipes need to have a unique address, if two hosts use the same address, then a device might accidentally send the same data to both hosts.

  • In Gazell there is no way for a host to know if there exists other host with the same pipe addresses. You might try to setup the host in device mode and send a dummy packet with the same addresses, to see if there is any other host that can receive it.

    All pipes need to have a unique address, if two hosts use the same address, then a device might accidentally send the same data to both hosts.

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