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Radio Notifications - undefined reference to 'sd_nvic_ClearPendingIRQ'

I am just working through the tutorial on radio notifications and imported "ble_radio_notifications.c" to my application folder and included the header in included directories.

I walked through the other steps of the tutorial but now I am unable to build and the output is saying undefined reference to sd_nvic_ClearPendingIRQ (as well as the other two sd_nvic_'s in "ble_radio_notificiation_init")

This seems strange since the user included directories is pointing to the relevant soft device headers file (as you would expect since before adding be_radio_notification it worked fine).

What am I missing?

This is nRF52, SDK11, PCA10040, SD132 2.0.0. Also using SES.

Thanks - RJH

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