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1mA current spikes in nRF52 Idle

Environment is a PCA10040 v1.1.0, measuring current with a Rigol DS1104B over a 10 Ohm resistor.

I'm using the ble_pwr_profiling example from nRF5 SDK v11. I've programmed the board over JLinkExe, with an ERASEALL, followed by loading s132_nrf52_2.0.0_softdevice.hex and then the app.

The only modification I have made to the app is to increase the advertising interval to 1000ms.

At power up, the app goes straight to System Off. However, I observe current spikes of about 1mA at intervals of 151-154ms.

When I press a button to wake the app, it should be spending most of its time (between adverts) in System On Idle. In this scenario, I observe the same current spikes at intervals of 20ms.

image description What is causing these current spikes?

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