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nrf 51822 beacon kit

hi, i have doubt regarding NRF 51822BEACON KIT [pca20006 board],

......i want to configure it in all ble modes [central,periperal,broadcaster,listener], how can i do it .can i get example codes for it

......i have example codes for some boards but i want example codes for pca20006 board

......will it work with other board example codes like pca10028,pca10036,pca10040.

.......what is the differnce between pca20006 and pca 10028 and pca10040,is the difference is

hardware like schmatic

  • Firstly, you should note that the nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit is not a development kit, but rather you should consider it as a reference design. It is not well suited for development, for a number of reasons:

    • It does not have an onboard debugger (you will need a external debugger, which are usually expensive).
    • It does not have easily accessible GPIOs as there are no pin headers.
    • It has few extra components such as LEDs and buttons.
    • Lastly, as the beacon kit is not intended to be used as a development kit, the SDK examples does not support it directly (with exception of the beacon example).

    Regarding the board types:

    • pca20006 is the nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit.
    • pca10028 is the nRF51 DK. This is the recommended kit to buy if you want to start developing with the nRF51.
    • pca10040 is the nRF52 DK. This is the recommended kit to buy if you want to start developing with the nRF52.
  • Firstly, you should note that the nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit is not a development kit, but rather you should consider it as a reference design. It is not well suited for development, for a number of reasons:

    • It does not have an onboard debugger (you will need a external debugger, which are usually expensive).
    • It does not have easily accessible GPIOs as there are no pin headers.
    • It has few extra components such as LEDs and buttons.
    • Lastly, as the beacon kit is not intended to be used as a development kit, the SDK examples does not support it directly (with exception of the beacon example).

    Regarding the board types:

    • pca20006 is the nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit.
    • pca10028 is the nRF51 DK. This is the recommended kit to buy if you want to start developing with the nRF51.
    • pca10040 is the nRF52 DK. This is the recommended kit to buy if you want to start developing with the nRF52.
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