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How can i broadcast ibeacon info and ibeacon name at the same time?

Aim: I want broadcast ibeacon info in one broadcast packet, and broadcast ibeacon name at the next broadcast packet.

The broadcast packet data length is 30 bytes.

Q: How can I achieve the above functions? Can you give an example?

Thank you!

  • Technically this is not at the same time if you are talking about alternating advertising packets, one is after the other. But you could have it the same time if your total advertisement payload was no more than 31 bytes. Assuming it doesn't fit in one advertising packet, here are a couple of ways of achieving this: first is to have another payload in a scan response, and it only sends out this second payload if it is requested by a scanner interested in it.

    The other way is to use the Radio Notification feature that will let you know when an advertisement has been sent so you can repopulate the advertisement data with the second payload. Then just have a flag that alternates to keep track of which payload is needed. There is more on this here: You could have it timer based but this would not necessarily guarantee alternating.

    Also there is an excellent tutorial on Radio Notifications here

    Also since our terminology is a little loose, be sure you fully understand advertising by working through this tutorial: This also talks about scan responses.

  • I use the method "have another payload in a scan response" to solve the problem.

    Thank you for your answer!
