Hi i am starter to nordic nrf52.....I have issue in storing the large array values it shows no space...how to increase the space to store array values...plzzzz. thank you
Hi i am starter to nordic nrf52.....I have issue in storing the large array values it shows no space...how to increase the space to store array values...plzzzz. thank you
If you want help you really need to post a proper question. You've posted no code, you've said 'it shows no space' without saying what 'it' is or in what way it 'shows no space'. Please edit the question to say exactly what you're trying, exactly what fails, what error messages you've seen, how much you are trying to store and what you've tried to fix it. And drop the 'plzzzzzzzz' as well, just ask a proper question.
The question title says, "large values"; the text says "large array values" - are you actually talking about large values (ie, values with large magnitude), or just arrays with large numbers of elements?
And what does "large" actually mean?
You do realise that the amount of memory on the nRF52 (and, in fact, microcontrollers in general) is fixed - and quite limited ... ?