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Gazell Device/Host example

My Application will have 4 difference host in the same area, if one device send a data and receive the ACK payload, is it receive all of the 4 hosts ACK payload or one of the 4 difference host?

Is it the host will receive difference "pipe" number? example Host using the pipe 0 and device use the pipe 2, is it the Host can receive the "pipe 2" device?

  • If you have a device that transmit data using an address that is used by several hosts, then you may receive an ACK (+packet) from one random host or you may not receive any ACK due to interference when all hosts transmit the ACK (+packet). The Gazell protocol is not designed to operate with several host using the same address.

    It is the address that decide if the packet can be received or not. "Pipe" is just a logic name we use to setup several addresses on a host. So it is possible to receive on any pipe if the address fit.
