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Cannot discover characteristic

Hi all,

I am new to nordic. I have two pca10031 dongle. First of all I had programmed example codes (one as peripheral and other one as central) and tested, it works fine. But as per my end requirements, I have to scan and connect to iphone. So, i was testing with my custom iOS app with nordic(as a central). I am able to discover the Service successfully, but not able to get the characteristics.

Here are the results what i am getting while debugging the code.

in static void db_discovery_evt_handler(ble_db_discovery_evt_t * p_evt) function, i am getting p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.uuid = 0x00; p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.type = 0x00;

Can any one help me?

Am i missing anything on nordic side or iOS side.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

  • Are you using a custom UUID? if that is the case you should register this so you can get the UUID type when discovering the service. Can you also try to connect to the iPhone and do a service discovery using the master control panel for pc to check that the services and characteristics is there and that you are trying to discover the right UUID's?

  • Are you using a custom UUID? if that is the case you should register this so you can get the UUID type when discovering the service. Can you also try to connect to the iPhone and do a service discovery using the master control panel for pc to check that the services and characteristics is there and that you are trying to discover the right UUID's?

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