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Cannot discover characteristic

Hi all,

I am new to nordic. I have two pca10031 dongle. First of all I had programmed example codes (one as peripheral and other one as central) and tested, it works fine. But as per my end requirements, I have to scan and connect to iphone. So, i was testing with my custom iOS app with nordic(as a central). I am able to discover the Service successfully, but not able to get the characteristics.

Here are the results what i am getting while debugging the code.

in static void db_discovery_evt_handler(ble_db_discovery_evt_t * p_evt) function, i am getting p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.uuid = 0x00; p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.type = 0x00;

Can any one help me?

Am i missing anything on nordic side or iOS side.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

  • I have another question. Let me describe the whole situation. First of all peripheral starts advertising. -Central starts scanning. -Performs the connection with peripheral. -Central discovers the service and characteristic -enable the notification on the characteristic -As peripheral detects that the notification is enabled by central, it sends the data (e.g. hello). -Central detects the event BLE_GATTC_EVT_HVX in function void client_handling_ble_evt_handler(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt). -Further parcing the ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt data, i found the testing data (hello string) was here.


    We can see that there are multiple objects of p_ble_evt, like common_evt, gap_evt, l2cap_evt, gattc_evt, gatts_evt

    So my question is, how i come to know that which particular object i need to search for. In simple words, how i can know that for what reason this function is called?

  • I have another question. Let me describe the whole situation. First of all peripheral starts advertising. -Central starts scanning. -Performs the connection with peripheral. -Central discovers the service and characteristic -enable the notification on the characteristic -As peripheral detects that the notification is enabled by central, it sends the data (e.g. hello). -Central detects the event BLE_GATTC_EVT_HVX in function void client_handling_ble_evt_handler(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt). -Further parcing the ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt data, i found the testing data (hello string) was here.


    We can see that there are multiple objects of p_ble_evt, like common_evt, gap_evt, l2cap_evt, gattc_evt, gatts_evt

    So my question is, how i come to know that which particular object i need to search for. In simple words, how i can know that for what reason this function is called?

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