Hi all,
I am new to nordic. I have two pca10031 dongle. First of all I had programmed example codes (one as peripheral and other one as central) and tested, it works fine. But as per my end requirements, I have to scan and connect to iphone. So, i was testing with my custom iOS app with nordic(as a central). I am able to discover the Service successfully, but not able to get the characteristics.
Here are the results what i am getting while debugging the code.
in static void db_discovery_evt_handler(ble_db_discovery_evt_t * p_evt) function, i am getting p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.uuid = 0x00; p_characteristic->characteristic.uuid.type = 0x00;
Can any one help me?
Am i missing anything on nordic side or iOS side.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.