Hello, Dear Nordic Development Team.
Recently I made the Android app using nRF nordic SDK to detect BLE beacons(iBeacon and Eddystone). (no.nordicsemi.android.support.v18:scanner:0.1.2) The app works fine on Android phones. But it doesn't work on Android tablet, doesn't detect iBeacon and Eddystons. I use Irulu tablet 5.1 Lollipop. Of course, it supports Bluetooth 4.0. (www.amazon.com/.../B015FK6FOY So I installed nRF Master Control from Google Store on my Irulu tablet, it detects fine all BLE beacons. But other apps of nRF nordic on Google Store don't detect BLE beacons on Irulu tablet. So I thought I missed important permission on Irulu tablet. Please help me how I detect BLE beacons using nRF nordic SDK on Tablet(but phones work well).
Best Regards. Vihelmi Henrik.