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where is sniffer.cfg stored

Using adafruit sniffer. Windows 7 32 bit professional, windows 7 64 bit professional.

After installing the FTD drivers I see com5 installed. when I start the sniffer it fails to find anything on the com port. I did an erase preset. Still no luck.

I noticed that there is a change that can be made to sniffer.cfg, but can't find sniffer.cfg. I looked in the original file I downloaded from here, and it is not there either.

So I need a copy of the default sniffer.cfg and need to know where it is installed.

I installed the sniffer to c:\bluetoothsniffer it has the drivers in that directory also.

  • The instruction that says change the sniffer.cfg file in the directory where the snooper is, is just flat wrong.

    It is actually held in users...\appdata\roaming\nordics semiconductor\sniffer\logs for windows 7.

    We still can't get the sniffer working however. The ports are there, but the nordic program doesn't see them. This is happening on 3 machines, one with windows 10, one with windows 7 32 bit, and one with windows 7 64 bit.

    The drivers were downloaded from the FTD site.

  • We ordered these from Mouser, and they are marked adafruit, so I assume that they must have the correct firmware. But since I can't even see them on the com port, I can't determine that. It is almost like the device drivers from FTDI are not working or something. I fired up realterm, set the baudrate to 406800 and cts/rts hardware handshaking. IT just sits there with the CTS showing green. So 1. I downloaded the latest FTDI drivers, and installed them. for both the bus and the other layer. The ports show up in device manager. Com 5 specifically. I click on properties, and it shows to be a FTDI driver, and so does the usb bus. But the nordic software just loops trying to find the sniffers on the com port I found and edited the sniffer.cfg file. When I did it again, a window showed up saying it was on port 5 and is now on port 5, but it did not find the sniffer.

  • We ordered these from Mouser, and they are marked adafruit, so I assume that they must have the correct firmware. But since I can't even see them on the com port, I can't determine that. It is almost like the device drivers from FTDI are not working or something. I fired up realterm, set the baudrate to 406800 and cts/rts hardware handshaking. IT just sits there with the CTS showing green. So 1. I downloaded the latest FTDI drivers, and installed them. for both the bus and the other layer. The ports show up in device manager. Com 5 specifically. I click on properties, and it shows to be a FTDI driver, and so does the usb bus. But the nordic software just loops trying to find the sniffers on the com port I found and edited the sniffer.cfg file. When I did it again, a window showed up saying it was on port 5 and is now on port 5, but it did not find the sniffer.

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