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Latest nrfjprog on OS X - mismatched J-Link DLL

With the latest nrfjprog from Nordic and latest J-Link software from Segger, I am still getting the error below.

$ nrfjprog -v
ERROR: JLinkARM DLL version used is too old for nrfjprog. Please update it by
ERROR: installing the latest JLinkARM package from Segger webpage.
klaatu:armgcc mahesh$ JLinkExe 
SEGGER J-Link Commander V5.12d (Compiled Apr 26 2016 19:22:21)
DLL version V5.12d, compiled Apr 26 2016 19:22:15

I am using OS X 10.9.5.

Any ideas on what might be wrong?


  • Hi Mahesh,

    This problem occurs because we were assuming SEGGER was simply replacing the .dylib file in their installed folder, as was the case earlier. In release 5.12e, which i was testing with, they do not replace the .dylib file, but simply add the new ones. We will have to handle this properly in our own tool and make a new release, but to fix it for now, you can simply delete all the "old" .dylib files in /Applications/SEGGER/JLink, you need only ...5.12.5.dylib and the ...5.dylib; or uninstall the SEGGER software, and re-install only the latest.

    Let me know if this doesnt solve your problem.

  • Hi Mahesh,

    This problem occurs because we were assuming SEGGER was simply replacing the .dylib file in their installed folder, as was the case earlier. In release 5.12e, which i was testing with, they do not replace the .dylib file, but simply add the new ones. We will have to handle this properly in our own tool and make a new release, but to fix it for now, you can simply delete all the "old" .dylib files in /Applications/SEGGER/JLink, you need only ...5.12.5.dylib and the ...5.dylib; or uninstall the SEGGER software, and re-install only the latest.

    Let me know if this doesnt solve your problem.
