Hi ,
I am working on the heart_rate_collector example code of nrf51-ble-driver_linux_0.5.0.
The program detail of nrf51 as below:
-- sorftdevice : s130_nrf51_1.0.0_softdevice
-- application : ble_connectivity example code
-- bootloader : dual_bank_serial_s130 example code
I can use DFU bootloader via UART to update my application firmware(ble_connectivity example code).
I want to give application firmware a version number in order for me to manage this firmware, and this version number can be read in application firmware.
I know the DFU procedure includes application version to safety-check the transferred firmware image.
I want to use this application version to store into firmware, and then It can be read after the new application firmware booting. Like FWID can be read by "sd_ble_version_get" function.
Does anyone tell me how can I develop it ?