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"N/A" Device name on Eddystone Android

Hi there,

I'm currently building a custom app for detecting eddystone/ble peripherals in both iOS and Android, and am using the same hardware to test. On Android, I'm getting "N/A" for my device name (and so does MCP). I understand that on Android, it looks for Complete Local Name instead if Device Name Characteristics? If so, then its true that my Complete Local Name on MCP is shown as "N/A". How should I set my Complete Local Name on the nRF firmware then?

  • Pure beacons never connect (only broadcast), and as such the Device Name Characteristic is not available (you can't read characteristics unless you connect to a device).

    Beacons typically don't have a Complete Local Name either, because there is little room left in the advertise packet after including the beacon payload. Beacons usually signal their intent and meaning by the URL or ID that they contain, and don't really need a local name.

    If you do want to include a local name you do this like normal in the SDK:

    Set advdata.name_type to either BLE_ADVDATA_SHORT_NAME or BLE_ADVDATA_FULL_NAME in advertising_init(), and set the name by calling sd_ble_gap_device_name_set(..).
    For an example of this just have a look at any of the other examples in the ble_peripheral folder.

  • In my experience you can't make the short name short enough to fit in the packet if you have any beacon payload at all. You can name your beacon, or you can post data in the app major/minor value, but not both.

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