I would like to NRF51822 bluetooth test. It has NRF51822 eval-kit 2EA. 1EA is a Central (dongle role), 1EA want to test the bluetooth interlock with Peripheral. What should I use for each sample Sample source?
I would like to NRF51822 bluetooth test. It has NRF51822 eval-kit 2EA. 1EA is a Central (dongle role), 1EA want to test the bluetooth interlock with Peripheral. What should I use for each sample Sample source?
Hi, Please take a look at the nAN-34 Setting up production test using DTM.
Hi, Please take a look at the nAN-34 Setting up production test using DTM.
thank you for your support. I read nAN-34 setting up production test using DTM.
I test after ble_app_multilink_central(central) and ble_app_hids_keyboard(peripheral) example source code download. but, not operation. so I want example source code for nrf51822 central and peripheral. please confirm it.
Have you programmed the softdevice first?
I download softdevice. central board is S120_nRF51_2.1.0 prepheral board is s110_nrf51_8.0.0_softdevice.
There should be a Getting Started section in the nRF5 SDK that I suggest you start with, to ensure you have a working setup. In the release notes for the SDK you can find which softdevices it is made for. Based on your descpription that you are using S110 and S120 the latest compatible SDK is v10.