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migrate softdevice

I am new to nRF51:

how do I change the softdevice from 110 to 130 in the example project ble_app_uart (and in general) within the Keil µVision IDE.

There is no option like "select softdevice" or such.

Thanks, Marc

EDIT: please, it is about how do I change the softdevice from 110 to 130, not a specific example project. I mean how is the process of changing a softdevice?

EDIT2: The problem arouse because we have an SDK 9 project on 51422AC, with softdevice 110, developed elsewhere, that needs to be taken care of. Now I installed the latest Keil with SDK 11 expecting perhaps some trivial changes - but no, the 110 is not supported and switching is not so easy. Pretty frustrating, if all you want is to just compile the project.

Parents Reply
  • In short you need to use the correct header files for the SoftDevice you are using, so if you are using S130 you need to use the header files found in \components\softdevice\s130\headers. You need to modify the flash and ram settings in Options for Target->Target according to the Chapter 15 in the S130 SoftDevice specification v2.0, found here. You need to make sure that S130 is defined in Options for Target->C/C++, so that the softdevice_handler support library knows what SoftDevice it is enabling, if you are using this library that is.

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