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Where do I look for a contractor to help with BTLE?

I'm developing a product that, among other things, uses an ARM M0 and an nRF8001. I think I'm just too lost to make any sense of the documentation, and at this point I really just want an expert to come in and spend a day consulting on micro controller code to make my system work. I need a simple two way data link that can move up to about 1000 bytes at a a time, two way. Like a UART, but over the air.

Is there a good place to look for help?

I would need someone on site (Brooklyn NY) that would be willing to work with me for at least a day developing enough code to make a working system. And naturally this is paid work.


  • image description

    Hardware. Firmware. iOS.

    FOR EMERGENCIES CALL/TXT: 732.763.6780

    For Normal Communications: [email protected]


    User-Centric Full-Stack Embedded Systems Engineer--An Electrical Engineer that knows how to code or a Computer Scientist that knows how to solder.,*

    User experience was traditionally thought of as a function of mechanical design but more and more user experience is given forth by the electronics, firmware, and mobile experiences. I believe great design combined with superb engineering create great experiences which in-turn create returning and happy customers. It's not about 10% better, it's about 10x better.

    *Class of 2010 Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech

    **Past positions at Apple, Intel, IBM, and HP


    • Hardware Project Management
    • Product Feasibility Studies
    • Hardware Architecture
    • Component Selection
    • Circuit Design -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital]
    • PCB Layout -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital, High-Speed, RF]
    • PCB Fabrication and Assembly Management
    • Firmware Architecture
    • Firmware Implementation
    • iOS Development
    • Sensors


    Embedded System Product Design:

    Sensor-1 (Size of a U.S. Quarter, small BLE tracking device)

    Cube Medical We also did the website and design:

    GOKey (Raised $1.2M on Indiegogo, Includes customer testimonial, fun project)

    Ledge Charger Novel iPhone Charger

    Industrial Smart Outlet Bootstrapped Internal product we sell to a few companies for industrial automation applications

    Image Processing:

    *Curve Smooth Algorithm for HP Photosmart Printers:

    GPU Convolution Engine for Animation Compositing:

    *Completed in 2007 as an intern at 19 years old. Includes manager testimonial. Marketable feature on HP Photosmart printers.

    Share with your friends externally to this forum here:

    A recommendation is the biggest complement I can get.

    I'm also a private pilot and love taking my clients up. It's a joy to share aviation. Golden Gate Bridge @ 1500ft AGL

  • image description

    Hardware. Firmware. iOS.

    FOR EMERGENCIES CALL/TXT: 732.763.6780

    For Normal Communications: [email protected]


    User-Centric Full-Stack Embedded Systems Engineer--An Electrical Engineer that knows how to code or a Computer Scientist that knows how to solder.,*

    User experience was traditionally thought of as a function of mechanical design but more and more user experience is given forth by the electronics, firmware, and mobile experiences. I believe great design combined with superb engineering create great experiences which in-turn create returning and happy customers. It's not about 10% better, it's about 10x better.

    *Class of 2010 Bachelors of Science in Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech

    **Past positions at Apple, Intel, IBM, and HP


    • Hardware Project Management
    • Product Feasibility Studies
    • Hardware Architecture
    • Component Selection
    • Circuit Design -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital]
    • PCB Layout -- [Analog, Mixed-Signal, Digital, High-Speed, RF]
    • PCB Fabrication and Assembly Management
    • Firmware Architecture
    • Firmware Implementation
    • iOS Development
    • Sensors


    Embedded System Product Design:

    Sensor-1 (Size of a U.S. Quarter, small BLE tracking device)

    Cube Medical We also did the website and design:

    GOKey (Raised $1.2M on Indiegogo, Includes customer testimonial, fun project)

    Ledge Charger Novel iPhone Charger

    Industrial Smart Outlet Bootstrapped Internal product we sell to a few companies for industrial automation applications

    Image Processing:

    *Curve Smooth Algorithm for HP Photosmart Printers:

    GPU Convolution Engine for Animation Compositing:

    *Completed in 2007 as an intern at 19 years old. Includes manager testimonial. Marketable feature on HP Photosmart printers.

    Share with your friends externally to this forum here:

    A recommendation is the biggest complement I can get.

    I'm also a private pilot and love taking my clients up. It's a joy to share aviation. Golden Gate Bridge @ 1500ft AGL
