I want to make a device which can connect each others and communicate with NUS. I need not to use any other service without NUS. I made nus_c service which is a central side service to use NUS which is peripheral side service. It works good except connection setup time is too long.
Searching and connection is done within 2 second. but Service Discover is too long, it takes a over 5 seconds. I think,I need not discover the service because I already know the service which I use - NUS. And Service Discover tell me only the cccd, rx, tx handle.
Some test shows cccd,rx,tx handle is 15,14,17. And I can use NUS service with this value. Actually I can use NUS service without service discover.
But I cannot find where this value is made? Is this value is fixed for all device ? Can I fix this value at nus.c or nus.h or other files?
PS) I will made a mesh network with NUS and dynamic link. Each module can move and each module can be a central and peripheral at the same time. One module activated by smart phone, and then connect neighbor module as central and the connected neighbor is also activated.
Central device role device can accept 3 peripheral device. Peripheral device can connect to only 1 central device.
Thus the connection time is very important in my project.