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How to use _WFI and WFE to enter idle mode

Hi all: To saving power I implement the function to read data after interrupt is triggered..

below are my codes.. My expectation is..

Let CPU enter idle mode to wait interrupt by call _WFI() After interrupt is triggered start to read data and call _WFE() to save power. After read out 100 datas, CPU enter idle mode to wait interrupt triggered again...

However, the function of LIS3DH_ReadOutZYX(XYZ_Data) is always called even there is no any interrupt is triggered. How can I revise my code to meet my requirements? Thanks..

int main(void)

  static bool bPoweSaving = true;

    int16_t         XYZ_Data[3]={0};

    uint8_t reg = 0;
    ret_code_t err_code;
    static int i = 0;

        /* Start transaction with a slave with the specified address. */
     if( bPoweSaving)
     bPoweSaving = false;
     err_code = LIS3DH_ReadOutZYX(XYZ_Data);  
     i ++; 
     if (i > 100)
       bPoweSaving = true;
  • You still have a race condition when you use bPoweSaving with __WFI. Please read Anders comment here Because you are using WFI and the flag in the same context, I think it is ok but i see something wrong in you code.

    I also do not understand your while state, since it will not allow the bPoweSaving to be set to true ever as while loop will never end

    int main(void)
      static bool bPoweSaving = false;
        int16_t         XYZ_Data[3]={0};
        uint8_t reg = 0;
        ret_code_t err_code;
        static int i = 0;
            /* Start transaction with a slave with the specified address. */
         if( bPoweSaving)
           bPoweSaving = false;
         err_code = LIS3DH_ReadOutZYX(XYZ_Data);  
         if (i++ > 100)
           i = 0;  
           bPoweSaving = true;

    This above code will first sleep on WFI on every 100th reads and sleeps on WFE before 0 to 99 reads.
