I am working in the SDK10.0 ble_app_uart_c(master),it can connect to ble_app_hrs(slave) successfully. But if I add a new 128 bit UUID named ACC_BASE_UUID different from NUS_BASE_UUID.After I power on the master device,it can connect to slave,but the system will stop at the follow code: err_code = ble_acc_c_rx_notif_enalbe(p_ble_acc_c); APP_ERROR_CHECK_(err_code); The err_code is 0x08,so I trace the code.The system stopped at sd_ble_gattc_write(conn_handle,&acc_write_params);
**My question is how to add a new 128bit UUID in the ble_app_uart_c(master)?**The added code is same as the ble_nus_c.c,the difference is the name and the 128bit UUID.Thank you for your help.