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SPI0 Chip Select Active High

Currently the default for the SPI0 chip select is active low. I would like to change it to active high. Can I do this?

If not can I just have the SPI chip select on a pin I am not using and manually control the CS for SPI0? For example I would just turn it on before any SPI writes and turn it off when done.

  • That is currently not supported, you'll have to do it manually:

    uint8_t ss_pin;       ///< Slave Select pin number (optional).
                          /**< Set to @ref NRF_DRV_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED
                           *   if this signal is not needed. The driver 
                           *   supports only active low for this signal. 
                           *   If the signal should be active high,
                           *   it must be controlled externally. */

    To manually control the CS you can set the ss_pin to NRF_DRV_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED and configure that pin as a GPIO output.

  • That is currently not supported, you'll have to do it manually:

    uint8_t ss_pin;       ///< Slave Select pin number (optional).
                          /**< Set to @ref NRF_DRV_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED
                           *   if this signal is not needed. The driver 
                           *   supports only active low for this signal. 
                           *   If the signal should be active high,
                           *   it must be controlled externally. */

    To manually control the CS you can set the ss_pin to NRF_DRV_SPI_PIN_NOT_USED and configure that pin as a GPIO output.
