I am using nordic_sdk_10 for PCA10001. what are the BSP changes and config changes needed after replicating PCA10028 for DFU over UART.
I just changed CFLAFS & ASM FLAGS to -DBOARD_PCA10001.
I am using example/dfu/bootloader source for building.
I am using nordic_sdk_10 for PCA10001. what are the BSP changes and config changes needed after replicating PCA10028 for DFU over UART.
I just changed CFLAFS & ASM FLAGS to -DBOARD_PCA10001.
I am using example/dfu/bootloader source for building.
Changing the board definition should be enough. You need to set correctly some buttons and LEDs definitions in order to enter in bootloader mode and to see if the bootloader or the application is started. You should also check the SLIP transport mode and UART settings.
Have you any more specific question ?
Any changes to source code in examples/dfu/bootloader/config/dfu_dual_bank_serial_s130_pca10028 to make it working for s120 softdevice.
can you point me where to check for SLIP transport mode.
testimages in examples/dfu/hci_dfu_send_hex/test_images_dual_bank_update_nrf51 folder can be used for PCA10001 using s120 with nordic_sdk_10.
How to identify SLIP transport mode? Its not mentioned in sdk documentation.