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s130 sdk 11 Multi-link with centrals devices

Hi community,

I'm studying the possibility to be able to link multiple central devices to one peripheral. As it defined in the s130 soft device description (, concurrent multi-link operation for all roles is available.

I'm trying to realize this features without succeed. I'm using the PCA20006 beacon board (nrf51822), SDK 11 (proximity example) and s130 v2.0 soft device.

This is my question, how can I manage to be able to restart advertising after the first connection from a peripheral ?

After the PM_EVT_BONDED_PEER_CONNECTED event, it seems not...?

Do you have some clue, or better example to be able to do what I want?

Thanks in advance

  • Hi run_ar,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I already know that, I'm wondering how I can restart the advertising with the application example proximity to be able to be detected by another central device. I change inside the device_manager_cnfg.h file the value of DEVICE_MANAGER_MAX_CONNECTIONS (set to 2). But anyway, when the first central device is connected, the advertising is stopped and no other central can detect my peripheral device.

    What changes has to be done in the code of the main.c file to be able to restart advertising after the first connection.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Connectable advertising is supposed to be stopped as soon as a central connects to your peripheral. Since you have only one peripheral role link, you need to disconnect and start advertising for a new connection if you want another central to connect.

  • Connectable advertising is supposed to be stopped as soon as a central connects to your peripheral. Since you have only one peripheral role link, you need to disconnect and start advertising for a new connection if you want another central to connect.

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