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BLE nevbie question: Pair/bonding with BLE device with required code entering on BLE device

I have never worked with BLE devices before. Now I have a BLE project where I must be able to do he following:

I want to be able to pair/bond my BLE device to a smartphone/tablet app. During the pair/bonding procedure the BLE device shall wait for the user to input a secret coded on the BLE device (by keypad). And if the code is correct the pair/bonding will be allowed, else rejected.

After succesfull pair/bonding the user shall be able to change the secret code in the BLE device over air through the app.

Is this possible to do? My knowledge of BLE is to limited right now for me to know if this is possible. :-/

Is there any examples of this in the SDK that I can use as a template?

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