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DFU device not visible with BLED112

Hi, I use SDK v10, S110 v8 and dfu_dual_bank_ble_s100_pca10028. My application has dfu support.

I reset to bootloader from application after writing 0x0104 to dfu control point characteristic in application.

If I do this on my Android phone with nrf master control panel I can see my device (in bootloader mode) advertises with N/A name for approx 1 minute. My question is why it advertises with N/A name?

If I do this on my PC with BLED112 BLE dongle I get no advertisements (but obviously my device is in bootloader mode at after approx. 1 minute, it resets back to application and I can see application's advertisements).

If I have no valid application loaded in my device I can see advertisements on both platforms (Android and BLED112) with correct device name (which I set to DEVICE_NAME = "DFU").