Hi, I am working on Eddystone project i.e nrf5-sdk-for-eddystone-master now I need to add the dfu support to it the problem I am facing is explained below
In SDK nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197 the default vs_uuid_count is set to 1 in softdevice_handler.c file So If want to add more then one 128bit uuid services need to increase the value. In Eddystone already their is 128-bit uuid i.e eddystone configuration services now I need to add dfu service so I increased vs_uuid_count to 2 i.e but if I increased the vs_uuid count more than 1 code is blocking in function
at FLASH_OP_WAIT(); after writing the lock key to flash
Can any one help me to known about relation ship between vs_uuid_count and pstorage and why it gives pending operations from pstorage while increasing vs_uuid_count and init more than one 128-bit uuid service.I known vs_uuid_count is number 128bit uuid services