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`Could not power-up debug power domain.` with nrfjproj on nRF52


I'm trying to use the nRF52832DK to flash a Rigado BMD-300 module (nRF52) - I've connected SWDIO, SWCLK, GND and voltage sense to P20.

It seems that because the protection bit comes set, you have to use --recover, and I did that but I get the following:

./nrfjprog --recover
Recovering device. This operation might take 30s.
ERROR: Cannot connect to any nRF device. Please make sure a device is
ERROR: connected to the debugger and supplied.

When enabling logging, it shows:

./nrfjprog --recover --log
nrfjprog verion 8.4.0
FUNCTION: open_dll.
FUNCTION: open_dll.
FUNCTION: enum_emu_snr.
FUNCTION: enum_emu_snr.
FUNCTION: enum_emu_snr.
FUNCTION: enum_emu_snr.
FUNCTION: connect_to_emu_with_snr.
FUNCTION: connect_to_emu_with_snr.
FUNCTION: connect_to_emu_without_snr.
FUNCTION: enum_emu_snr.
Device "NRF51822_XXAA" selected.
FUNCTION: recover.
FUNCTION: recover.
Found SWD-DP with ID 0x2BA01477
Could not power-up debug power domain.
Communication timed out: Requested 20 bytes, received 0 bytes !
Could not read hardware status!
FUNCTION: close_dll.
FUNCTION: close_dll.

It's done something, because the Rigado bootloader no longer shows in BLE, but it seems to have basically bricked the module now. I can't write any new firmware to it (either via nrfjprog or mass storage) - whatever I do I get the same Could not power-up debug power domain. message.

I've tried powering from a battery and the devkit's own power supply. Neither seems to make any difference.

Any ideas what could be wrong? This is causing serious problems - I've got prototypes here waiting to be programmed.

  • I don't remember the memory protection bit being set on my BMD-300s, but they were engineering samples, perhaps it changed for the production release. I have to solder some up this week, will find out.

    So you have SWDCLK, SWDIO, 3.3V and GND connected, check them again just to be sure? How about going straight to JLink(Exe), get the latest segger JLink tools to make sure they're new enough, get connected

    JLinkExe -if swd -device nrf52 

    See if you can at least get connected and have the JLink tell you what voltage it reads and whether it gets enough from the DAP to identify the chip. I wonder if the debug protection is enabled (didn't think RIgado did that), in which case you'd need to get into the second debug port and reset the entire chip, which is what I assume 'recover' does.

    I just noticed that your log file says NRF51822, I think you need to tell it you're an nRF52.

  • I don't remember the memory protection bit being set on my BMD-300s, but they were engineering samples, perhaps it changed for the production release. I have to solder some up this week, will find out.

    So you have SWDCLK, SWDIO, 3.3V and GND connected, check them again just to be sure? How about going straight to JLink(Exe), get the latest segger JLink tools to make sure they're new enough, get connected

    JLinkExe -if swd -device nrf52 

    See if you can at least get connected and have the JLink tell you what voltage it reads and whether it gets enough from the DAP to identify the chip. I wonder if the debug protection is enabled (didn't think RIgado did that), in which case you'd need to get into the second debug port and reset the entire chip, which is what I assume 'recover' does.

    I just noticed that your log file says NRF51822, I think you need to tell it you're an nRF52.

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