- I am getting fallowing error while update app through uart using nrfutil command.
nrfutil dfu serial --package ble_app_hrm_c_s12o.zip -p /dev/ttyACM0 Upgrading target on /dev/ttyACM0 with DFU package /home/kiran/Projects/rssi/nordic_sdk_10/examples/dfu/hci_dfu_send_hex/ble_app_hrm_c_s12o.zip. Flow control is disabled. [------------------------------------] 0%
Failed to upgrade target. Error is: Serial port could not be opened on /dev/ttyACM0. Reason:
Possible causes:
- bootloader, SoftDevice or application on target does not match the requirements in the DFU package.
- baud rate or flow control is not the same as in the target bootloader.
- target is not in DFU mode. If using the SDK examples, press Button 4 and RESET and release both to enter DFU mode.
Here are the steps:
1> I am using examples/dfu/bootloader source code and flashed bootloader,softdevice with nrfjprog.
nrfjprog --eraseall Erasing code and UICR flash areas. Applying system reset. @armgcc$ nrfjprog --program ~/Developer/cloudleaf/softdevice/s120_nrf51_2.1.0_softdevice.hex -f NRF51 --chiperase Parsing hex file. Erasing code and UICR flash areas. Applying system reset. Checking that the area to write is not protected. Programing device. @armgcc$ nrfjprog --program _build/*.hex -f NRF51 Parsing hex file. Reading flash area to program to guarantee it is erased. Checking that the area to write is not protected. Programing device. @armgcc$ nrfjprog --reset Applying system reset. Run.
2>created a zip file using image built from example/ble_central/ble_app_hrs source code for PCA10001 using sdk10.
I am not using any version number for genarating .zip file for softdevice,bootloader,flash.
Let me know if i miss anything. I am using linux platform for compiling and flashing.