I created a SDR/GR based basic BLE dumper. fell free to use and improve it :)
(output to pcap or fifo -> wireshark (btle= (default in later versions)).
I am currently working on a ESB dumper (and most of the ble_dump demod code can be reused) - thanks nordic for the great documentation on the protocol!
(one) question - is there any "offical" esb dissector for wireshark? (like the one you(nordic) offer in the ble sniffer package.
hmm now to the "a little bit disappointing" part - ANT
(two) hm is it true that there is exactly no information about the "over the air" ANT/ANT+ protocol is available? - its more like a secret?
I think its ok to pay some kind of license for a (nice maintained) third party firmware - but why there is no full information available about the "over the air". I can not find a single software or hardware (no matter what $) that is able to sniff ANT/ANT+ over the air (I am not talking about serial/usb protocol dumps here). so you are blind on the RF side... great in this busy band, debugging: switch channel :)
(three) are there any plans for nordic socs that maybe also will support zigbee(....similar)?
thanks for your time!
ps. I think gazell should also be on the list of protos - again it would be great to have an wireshark dissectors for all mentioned protos. if needed and I find time I ll create missing dissectors (esb, gazell) - this is possible due to the great documentation - and a rater simple protocol structure (thanks again) - but maintaining/updating(!) this dissectors/github (responsively) is something I am sure I will not have time im future.