Hi, is there RSA-512 cryptography (or maybe another asymmetric cryptography system) implementation for nrf51 or some implementation that can be easily ported to nrf51?
Hi, is there RSA-512 cryptography (or maybe another asymmetric cryptography system) implementation for nrf51 or some implementation that can be easily ported to nrf51?
Not sure if someone implemented RSA on the 51, but maybe you can use ECC instead? The experimental bootloader in SDK 10.0.0 includes a ECC module used for signing of FW images.
ARM bought PolarSSL and rebranded it as mbedTLS, that has an RSA implementation in it. Don't know what the keysize limit is, but the whole thing is free(*) and since ARM bought it, you'd think a port wouldn't be very hard.
(*) it's free but is released under two different licenses so you can determine which if either is unencumbered enough for your use.
Yea, I have been under the impression there is almost no reason you'd use RSA on a micro compared to ECC which stores a secure key in a smaller space and generates faster, uses less power, etc. It's not "more secure" but more efficient.
But then again... If you want to talk to an RSA device I guess you have no choice to use ECC.