Temperature sensor mounted on nRF52 development board? If mounted please tell me location where is?
Regards, Rajneesh
Temperature sensor mounted on nRF52 development board? If mounted please tell me location where is?
Regards, Rajneesh
There is one inside the nrf52832 chip.
There is no temperature sensor on the nRF52 development board. There is a temperature sensor built-in to the chip, but that measures the temperature of the chip.
Thanks for replay,
How can i measure temperature? I have used health thermometer service to measure temperature. but its give 0 deg.
Regards, Rajneesh
Here is some info of the TEMP module. note that if you want to use it when sd is enabled, you cannot access it directly - just by sd_temp_get
Thanks for replay,
Can you tell me how can i measure temperature? I have tried to measure temperature by using health thermometer service. But its measure 0 degree.