Hi all, in the forum I can read about people having issues with wrong CRC in the bootloader, but with SDK11; I have the opposite problem. It is always 0 and is always accepted. If I program my application using the bootloader, then flash something else to the application region using IAR, the new "faulty" application is accepted and started anyway.
Is there a reason for why CRC checking has been removed from each boot or is this a bug? (It was there for single_bank in SDK7 at least)
bool bootloader_app_is_valid(uint32_t app_addr)
// A stored crc value of 0 indicates that CRC checking is not used.
if (p_bootloader_settings->bank_0_crc != 0)
image_crc = crc16_compute((uint8_t *)DFU_BANK_0_REGION_START,
Looking at SDK7 single_bank.c I can see that the code in dfu_image_validate has changed from
// Valid peer activity detected. Hence restart the DFU timer.
err_code = dfu_timer_restart();
// Calculate CRC from DFU_BANK_0_REGION_START to mp_app_write_address.
m_image_crc = crc16_compute((uint8_t*)DFU_BANK_0_REGION_START,
received_crc = uint16_decode((uint8_t*)&m_init_packet[0]);
if ((m_init_packet_length != 0) && (m_image_crc != received_crc))
m_dfu_state = DFU_STATE_WAIT_4_ACTIVATE;
err_code = NRF_SUCCESS;
to (dual_bank in SDK11):
m_dfu_state = DFU_STATE_VALIDATE;
// Valid peer activity detected. Hence restart the DFU timer.
err_code = dfu_timer_restart();
if (err_code == NRF_SUCCESS)
err_code = dfu_init_postvalidate((uint8_t *)mp_storage_handle_active->block_id,
m_dfu_state = DFU_STATE_WAIT_4_ACTIVATE;
Now the dfu_init_postvalidate(...) only compares the CRC once, it does not update the m_image_crc in dfu_dual_bank.c, thus the m_image_crc is always 0 and bootloader_dfu_update_process(..) is always called with .app_crc = 0, causing the bootloader setting to be stored with an app CRC = 0.
My solution was to make dfu_init_postvalidate() return the calculated CRC through a pointer and then update m_image_crc. This seems to work for me, and now the CRC is verified each bootup.
EDIT: I sent a reference to m_image_crc to dfu_init_postvalidate in dfu_dual_bank line 585):
err_code = dfu_init_postvalidate((uint8_t *)mp_storage_handle_active->block_id,
Then in dfu_init_template.c (and dfu_init.h) I added a pointer as a function parameter and update it with the calculated CRC:
uint32_t dfu_init_postvalidate(uint8_t * p_image, uint32_t image_len, uint16_t* p_crc)
// calculate CRC from active block.
image_crc = crc16_compute(p_image, image_len, NULL);
*p_crc = image_crc;
A second opinon on my solution and a reason for why it has been removed would be nice. Also if this is intended, maybe the comment on m_image_crc could be updated to clearify that it is not in use.
Best Regards Erik