ble_ant_app_hrm.rarHi!! I want to design dual mode(BLE UART +ANT) but unfortunately I can not built it well. Can anyone tell me what kind of function or parameter? I based on example of ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e.
ble_ant_app_hrm.rarHi!! I want to design dual mode(BLE UART +ANT) but unfortunately I can not built it well. Can anyone tell me what kind of function or parameter? I based on example of ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e.
It compiles well, but you have functions that returns errors when you run the program. You should try compiling without optimizations (set Options for Target->C/C++->Optimization->Level 0) and use the debugger.
If you put at breakpoint at APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); below ble_advdata_set() in advertising_init() you can see that it returns error code 0x00000007, which comes from a sd_ble_uuid_encode() call. 0x00000007 returned from this function means: NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid UUID type. The UUID type is invalid because you have not added the base UUID of the NUS service. This is added in services_init() which you are calling after advertising_init(). Change the order of these and the error goes away.
You will however still get an error from ble_advdata_set(), but now it is 0x0000000C which means NRF_ERROR_DATA_SIZE. You are trying to put too much information into the advertising packet. There are several questions on here that answers how to solve this issue.
Hi!! Petter ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e is changed from hrm mode to UART mode available now. I so appreciate your advice. My project should be incldued FE-C(ANT) with BLE (UART mode) and replace hrm mode in ANT. Do you have FE-C(ANT) sample code? Let me can combine ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e and FE-C(ANT).
Hi!! Petter ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e is changed from hrm mode to UART mode available now. I so appreciate your advice. My project should be incldued FE-C(ANT) with BLE (UART mode) and replace hrm mode in ANT. Do you have FE-C(ANT) sample code? Let me can combine ble_ant_app_hrm in nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e and FE-C(ANT).