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Makefile not including files from Makefile.common

I can't figure out why but my build cannot locate files that are included in the makefile.common I'm using SDK 5.1.0 and the ble_app_hrs project. It seems it can't find one of the files in the source directory.

Here's the Error:

Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
fatal error: app_error.h: No such file or directory	
battery.c	/ble_app_hrs_PCA10001	line 29	
make: *** [_build/battery.o] Error 1	ble_app_hrs_PCA10001		 

I've tried with the LED project provided and that seems to work. I used it as a template for my makefile. This leads me to believe that the makefile.common is ok. I haven't made any changes to it.


C_SOURCE_FILES += battery.c

OUTPUT_FILENAME := ble_app_hrs_gcc
SDK_PATH = ../../../../../

#Uncomment correct line if you have s110 programmed on the chip.


include $(SDK_PATH)Source/templates/gcc/Makefile.common
    1. Is your makefile in a sub-directory of ble_app_hrs_gcc? If you followed the pattern from the blinky example, it should be. One possible problem is your relative path is wrong.

    2. More likely is you are facing the same issue I was in that the common make file does not include all the paths you need. Try adding the line INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../../Include/app_common" and see if you get a different error. If so, you just need to add all the necessary include paths either in your local makefile or in makefile.common.

  • I think that David are correct in that Makefile.common is missing an include path. If you take a look at the default Makefile for ble_app_hrs for nrf6310, you can see that it adds several includepaths:

    BOARD := BOARD_NRF6310
    C_SOURCE_FILES += main.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_services/ble_bas.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_services/ble_dis.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_services/ble_hrs.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_services/ble_srv_common.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_error_log.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_advdata.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_sensorsim.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/sd_common/softdevice_handler.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_conn_params.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_bondmngr.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/app_common/pstorage.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/app_common/crc16.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_radio_notification.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/ble/ble_debug_assert_handler.c
    C_SOURCE_FILES += ../../../../../Source/app_common/app_timer.c
    INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../Include/ble"
    INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../Include/s110"
    INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../Include/app_common"
    INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../Include/ble/ble_services"
    INCLUDEPATHS += -I"../../../../../Include/sd_common"
    SDK_PATH = ../../../../../
    OUTPUT_FILENAME := ble_hrs_gcc
    DEVICE_VARIANT := xxaa
    #DEVICE_VARIANT := xxab
    #USE_SOFTDEVICE := s210
    include $(SDK_PATH)Source/templates/gcc/Makefile.common

    Also, I see that you in your Makefile does not set the USE_SOFTDEVICE variable. If you compile ble_app_hrs, you most likely want to set this, if not, things won't work.

    Finally, you may want to have a look at the GCC setup available here.

    1. Yes it's in the gcc subdirectory

    2. It seems to find app_error.h but now app_error is looking for nrf_error which is in the Include/s110/ folder. I've added that as well to the makefile but it still can't seem to find it. [code type="xml"]In file included from ../battery.c:29:0: ../../../../../Include/app_common/app_error.h:27:23: fatal error: nrf_error.h: No such file or directory #include "nrf_error.h"[/code]

  • Ok I included all the c_source files and now it seems to get trough building battery.c but I still have tons of undefined symbols in main.c


    Symbol 'PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_END' could not be resolved main.c /ble_app_hrs_PCA10001 line 514 Symbol 'PSTORAGE_FLASH_PAGE_END' could not be resolved main.c /ble_app_hrs_PCA10001 line 515 Symbol 'NULL' could not be resolved main.c /ble_app_hrs_PCA10001 line 383 Symbol 'RADIO_CRCCNF_LEN_Msk' could not be resolved radio_config.c /LED line 57

    These seem to all be in pstorage_platform.h which is in the project.

    Looking in the file I see <stdint.h> is listed as an unresolved inclusion. Could this be a toolchain problem? I also see uint32_t cannot be resolved.

  • Can you please make sure that the GCC version is set correctly in If it isn't, it won't find the toolchain includes, which seems to be what you're describing.

    If you still have trouble, can you please try uploading the entire build output as a text file, so I can see exactly what it does?
