It is OK to distribute binary files made by modified SDK source code?
It is OK to distribute binary files made by modified SDK source code?
There is a license agreement in the documentation section of the SDK that you should check out. I'll leave it up to you to make your own interpretations as I am not a lawyer.
From what I can read from the license text it does not differentiate between source code and compiled code therefore not permitting redistribution of binaries. But I would suggest to contact our regional sales manager for your area if there are uncertainties on how to interpret the license text. Please send me a PM with your location if you don't have the contact information.
You can found the licence of the SDK11 here:
I also noticed that ARM mbed use the Nordic SDK with BSD-3 licence, see
This is not the same licence as the once included in the SDK. This is interesting, and I do no know why...