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running blinky example on nrf52832

Hello, I have downloaded the nrf52 sdk (version 0.9.2) and following the steps listed here:, to run the blinky led example. However, when I try to build the project in Keil5, I get the following errors displayed:

Build target 'nrf52832_xxaa'
compiling main.c...
"no source": Error:  #5: cannot open source input file "..\..\..\main.c": No such file or directory
..\..\..\main.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
assembling arm_startup_nrf52.s...
compiling nrf_delay.c...
"no source": Error:  #5: cannot open source input file "..\..\..\..\..\..\components\drivers_nrf\delay\nrf_delay.c": No such file or directory
..\..\..\..\..\..\components\drivers_nrf\delay\nrf_delay.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
compiling system_nrf52.c...
RTE\Device\nRF52832_xxAA\system_nrf52.c(31): error:  #5: cannot open source input file "stdint.h": No such file or directory
  #include <stdint.h>
RTE\Device\nRF52832_xxAA\system_nrf52.c: 0 warnings, 1 error
".\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.axf" - 1 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed:  00:00:01

Do I need to download something else that has these files? I know main.c is in the zipped folder, but I don't know why the program can't find it. I also have no idea where the other files are located, especially nrf_delay.c. Any help is appreciated!

Thanks, Noel
