It has developed a eddystone-url in nrf52 device based on the current nrf5-sdk-for-eddystone project. But I would like to know the Nordic's policy about this.
In other words, as shown URL (※ 1)' Text (※ 2)
Official nRF5 SDK from going to other management systems.
- there are plans to support eddystone in the Official nRF5 SDK formally?
when is it?
- whether a different source system than the current system configuration "nrf5-sdk-for-eddystone project?"
(※2) Issues and support
「This example application is provided as a firmware foundation for beacon providers or for users simply wanting to experiment with Eddystone. It is not part of the official nRF5 SDK and support is therefore limited. Expect limited follow-up of issues.」